
Research Projects

MHFD monitors a number of stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) sites in the Denver metropolitan area.

MHFD is monitoring two different permeable pavement sections in the green alley located at the Industry site on Brighton Blvd in Denver.

3000 Gallon Cistern in Lakewood

This cistern collects runoff from the new building at DGC and uses this for irrigation of the adjacent landscape areas.

Almost .5 acres of this 3- acre garden sites on top of a parking structure.

MHFD partnered with the City of Lakewood and the Urban Watershed Research Institute to construct a new rain garden.

Extended Basin in Denver

At Grant Ranch, this Extended Detention Basin (EDB) is the first step in a treatment train approach used to treat stormwater.

Slotted concrete at Lakewood Shops

We expanded our permeable pavement research when we added a new type of permeable pavement at our BMP test site in Lakewood, CO.

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