Protecting Homes and Businesses from Floods.

MHFD helps raise awareness of the flood risk to your home or business

Floods happen. That’s why we want to help raise awareness of the flood risks in your area as well as help you understand your role in being a responsible citizen when it comes to stream management.

To prepare for the flood season, the Flood Hazard Brochure is mailed annually to all property owners whose properties are in or near the high-risk flood zone to help them understand their flood risk and provide mitigation options.

View Brochure
River with Trees Changing Colors

Protecting residents is job one

We’re passionate about our role in protecting our communities. By applying our expertise, we’re able to advocate on your behalf, ultimately keeping you and your loved ones safe.

What We Do

Flood Safety Icon

Flood Safety

See how we can help protect your home or business from floods and download a handy checklist to help you be prepared.

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Stewards of Waters and Streams Icon

Open Space

Learn about the importance of stream corridors, floodplains, and preservation efforts to your local environment.

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Projects in Your Area

Find development, construction, and mitigation projects close by.

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Flood Management Icon

Debris Management

Find out when we’re in your area removing debris and obstructions from our streams.

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Recent Articles

Mapping Flood Risk Based on Future Land-use Hydrology

Written by Brooke Seymour, Planning and Floodplain Management Director Having spent most of my early career working within the District, I had mistakenly thought that using hydrology based on fully developed land-use for floodplain mapping was standard practice nationwide. I’ve...

Steps for Strategy with Succession Planning – Part 2

How can organizations capture valuable history and expertise before it walks out the door? Since 1979, Mile High Flood District (MHFD) has provided local governments with a variety of tools and resources to give officials advance warning of potential flood...

Steps For Strategy With Succession Planning: Part 1

With all the immediate challenges we face, succession planning sometimes falls low on the list. But the first step to implementing a successful succession plan strategy is understanding what it is and how it can help us in the future....

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